Sunday, 30 August 2009

“May they perish!”

When Talhah bin ‘Ubaydillaah – radiyallaahu ‘anhu – heard about the murder of ‘Uthmaan, he said, “May Allaah have mercy on ‘Uthmaan. Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji‘oon.”

It was said to him, “The people are regretting it.”

He said: May they perish!”

And he recited the Words of Allaah [which translate as]:

“They await only but a single Sayhah which will sieze them while they are disputing! Then they will not be able to make bequest, nor will they return to their family.”

[Soorah Yaa-Seen: 49-50]

["Al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah": 7/197]

Ibn Taymiyyah on Uthmaan.

Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah On ‘Uthmaan

“It is known through mutawaatir reports that ‘Uthmaan was among the most careful of people to avoid bloodshed and among the most patient towards those who impugned his honour and those who plotted to shed his blood, so they besieged him and sought to kill him. He knew of their intention to kill him, and the Muslims came to defend him and advised him to fight them, but he told the people to refrain from fighting and ordered those who should obey him not to fight them.

It was said to him, “Will you go to Makkah?”

And he said, “I will not be one of those who cause the Sanctuary to be violated.”

It was said to him, “Will you go to Syria?”

And he said, “I will not leave the land to which I migrated.”

It was said to him, “Then fight them!”

But he said, “I will not be the first of the successors of Muhammad - sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam - to rule his ummah by the sword.”

The patience that ‘Uthmaan showed until he was killed is amongst the greatest of his virtues in the eyes of the Muslims.”

["Manhaaj as-Sunnah"; 3/202]

“It is as if he was overwhelmed by the Glory of Allaah…”

“It is as if he was overwhelmed by the Glory of Allaah…”

Al-Mannaawee said:

“The main characteristic of ‘Uthmaan is modesty, and modesty results from great respect for the One Who is looking at him as well as awareness of some faults that he can see in himself. It is as if he was overwhelmed by the Glory of Allaah and saw in himself some faults and shortcomings. These are the lofty qualities of those who are close to Allaah. Thus ‘Uthmaan was raised in status, so the chosen one of Allaah’s creation [the Messenger of Allaah] felt a sense of modesty and shyness before him, just as the one who loves Allaah loves His close friends, and the one who fears Allaah will be feared by all.”

["Fayd al-Qadeer"; 4/302]

“Should I not feel shy before a man whom the angels feel shy from?”

“Should I not feel shy before a man whom the angels feel shy from?”

One day the Messenger of Allaah was lying down in his house with his thigh or shin uncovered. Aboo Bakr asked for permission to enter and he let him in whilst he was in that state, and he spoke to him.

Then ‘Umar asked for permission to enter and he let him in whilst he was in that state, and he spoke to him.

Then ‘Uthmaan asked for permission to enter and the Messenger of Allaah sat up and straightened his garment and he came in, and he spoke to him.

When he left ‘Aa’ishah said, “Aboo Bakr came in and you did not stir for him or pay too much attention, and ‘Umar came in and you did not stir for him or pay too much attention, then ‘Uthmaan came in and you sat up and straightened your garment.”

He said, “Should I not feel shy before a man whom the angels feel shy from?”

[Saheeh Muslim: 2401]

“‘Uthmaan is a shy man…”

‘Aa’ishah narrated that one day Aboo Bakr asked for permission to enter upon the Messenger of Allaah when he was lying down on his bed, wrapping himself in the cover of ‘Aa’ishah. He gave permission to Aboo Bakr to enter when he was like that, and he fulfilled his need then went away.

Then ‘Umar asked for permission to enter and he gave him permission to enter when he was like that, and he fulfilled his need then he went away.

‘Uthmaan then asked for permission to enter and he sat up and said to ‘Aa’ishah, “Cover yourself properly.” ‘Uthmaan fulfilled his need then went away.

‘Aa’ishah said, “O Messenger of Allaah, why did I not see you stirring for Aboo Bakr and ‘Umar as you did for ‘Uthmaan?” The Messenger of Allaah said, “‘Uthmaan is a shy man, and I was afraid that if I gave him permission to enter when I was in that state, he would not tell me of his need.

[Saheeh Muslim: 2402]

Talha's dream...

Talha ibn ‘Ubaydallah (radhiallahu `anhu) reported that two men came to the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) who had accepted Islam at the same time. One of them used to partake in Jihad more-so than the other, and so (one day) he fought in a battle and was martyred therein. The other remained behind him for another year, and then he passed away.

Talha said, ‘I saw in my dream that I was at the door of Paradise when behold, I was with both of them (the two men). Someone came out of Paradise and allowed the man who passed away later to enter first. Then he came out again and allowed the martyred one to enter. Then he returned and said to me, ‘Go back, for your time has not come yet.’

Talha woke up and began to inform others about this and they were all surprised. This reached the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) and when they informed him of it, he said:

من أي ذلك تعجبون؟ قالوا: يا رسول اللهّ هذا كان أشد الرجلين اجتهاداً ثم استشهد ودخل هذا الآخر الجنة قبله فقال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) : أليس قد مكث هذا بعده سنة؟ قالوا: بلى. قال: أدرك رمضان فصام وصلى كذا وكذا من سجدة في السنة؟ قالوا: بلى. قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم): فما بينهما أبعد مما بين السماء والأرض

He (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, ‘What are you surprised about?’ They said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! Out of them both, this one strove harder (in Jihad) then he was martyred but this other one was entered into Paradise before him.’ The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, ‘Did he not remain behind him for one year?’ They said, ‘Yes (he did).’ He said, ‘Did he not reach Ramadan, fast and pray with such and such number of prostrations in the year?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, ‘So the difference between them is greater than what is between the heavens and the earth.’

- Sahih narration from Ibn Majah (2/345, 346) and al-Albani’s ‘al-Silsilah al-Sahihah’

Make the most of Ramadan, we seriously don’t realise its greatness, worth and reward.

Zunayrah the blind...

Sa’d bin Ibraheem said: ”Zinneerah [Zunayrah] was a roman slave and became a muslimah. The mushrikeen tortured her until she lost her sight because of the severe torture. The mushrikeen said ’ al laat and ‘uzzah took her sight ‘”. She said, “I disbelieve in al-laat wal ‘uzzah” and Allah returned back her sight.

In another narration: “Abu Bakr radiallahu ‘anh freed Zinneerah from slavery and she lost her sight when she was freed. Quraysh said: ‘It’s only laat and ‘uzzah that took her sight’. She said, ‘By Allah they have lied, al-laat wal ‘uzzah neither harm or benefit’, and Allah returned back her sight”

['Al-'Isabah fee tamyeez as-Sahabah', by Ibn hajar al-'Asqalani]